We meet via WebEx on the first Wednesday of the month. Details can be obtained via the clerk or by messaging the Facebook page. We should be back in the Welcome Hall soon. As we follow the roadmap out of the Covid-19 restrictions, once again we would like to thank everyone who has supported our residents. The Welcome Hall will soon be available to all.

To hire, contact the booking clerk on 07824 309712.

Fencing upgrade
The parish council upgraded and repaired most of the fence along the A14 side of St Mary’s Green in January. This was achieved with funding from the parish council and £3,750 from Suffolk County Councillor Stuart Bird’s Locality Budget. Thank you for the fantastic feedback.

We have now booked the contractor to deal with the very poor section of fence at the Water Tower end of the green. The chain-link fence is on land owned by Bloor Homes and we are pursuing them to have this repaired/replaced.

Following meetings with Highways England regarding the A14 improvement works, a crash barrier has now been installed along the length of the slip road and the trees have been cut back to widen the carriageway and improve visibility. The open embankment north of Thurman’s Lane will also be planted with trees and shrubs to reduce noise pollution and help the A14 to blend into the landscape. While these developments have improved safety, they are still not entirely adequate and we continue to lobby Suffolk County Council (the landowners) to install a proper fence along the embankment to keep pedestrians and pets safe.

A thank you from Reg Dixon’s family
Reg Dixon’s family have asked us to send sincere thanks to all who paid tribute on our Facebook page and those who lined the High Road on Friday 12 March.

Would you like to be a parish councillor?
We have eight parish councillors at present and three vacancies. To find out more about eligibility and how you could contribute in this interesting and rewarding role, please contact the parish clerk.

Parish Clerk Mrs Cooper:
01394 285193 / clerk@trimleystmary-pc.gov.uk
