These cold winter nights bring cravings for only one thing: sweet treats. Cake, cookies, chocolate and if that thought makes your mouth water, just wait. 

The Waffle Shack is the new sweet treat shop to open in the Manning’s Beach Street in Felixstowe. Offering waffles, of course, crepes and ice cream shakes as well as hot and cold drinks it satisfies all our sugar cravings and does so with a giant smile on it’s face. 

One of the amazing waffles that The Waffle Shack has to offer.

The Waffle Shack has been a passion project of owner Tracy Richer for many years now. Having worked for the council for while, she decided, when she reached 40, to make her sweet dreams come true. 

Tracy explains: “Six years ago, when I got married in Turkey, we saw this little waffle/pancake shop and it was in the middle of this little village, a very beautiful place. Obviously, the weather’s a lot nicer in Turkey but it just came out of that.” 

Tracy quickly set her heart on a building for The Waffle Shack but the sale quickly fell through, leaving Tracy questioning her plans. After a chat with her friend, who told her to: ‘hold that close to you and don’t look elsewhere just for the sake of it, stick to what’s best for you’, she began looking elsewhere to start up her dreams. 

It was then that she saw a social media post by the Manning brothers advertising one of their units up for sale, the perfect opportunity for Tracy. 

“I emailed Charles straight away and he was like ‘perfect, come and see me straight away’. Within about two weeks, I signed with them. It’s funny because I think sometimes things are meant to be and this was such a better option for me. Beach Street is really good, there’s such a great atmosphere there. We’re all in the same situation so it has a really good community feel to it.” 

Over the many late nights, Tracy and her husband began to decorate the Waffle Shack, putting their entire beings into making this place their own before opening back in early December. 

The many sweet toppings available!

Now, of course, with the new government restrictions, they’re offering a takeaway menu so that you can still satisfy that sweet tooth responsibly. 

Starting up a business during a pandemic obviously brings its own challenges, Tracy explaining: “People keep saying ‘you must be mad’ but in some ways, I found a lot of positives in it, people are very supportive of The Waffle Shack and everyone’s supporting the local shops now. 

“Obviously, setting up a new business during a pandemic isn’t ideal, we only had around three and half weeks where we could really have people in so I mean it’s a bit gutting because for me it’s more than food and drink, it’s the atmosphere and creating a community. People are still coming out and supporting us. Its the only thing we have left really, a bit of drink and nice food.” 

Despite it all, Tracy still continues to look towards the future, wanting to start offering savory snacks, brilliant breakfast, and amazing alcoholic drinks for the afternoon. Alongside, when things are much safer, she’d love to start running children’s parties where they can craft while they eat.

Above all, however, she wants to keep the atmosphere that small towns like Felixstowe bring and to keep customers coming back. 

“Hopefully, our delicious waffles will sell people on The Waffle Shack but also come back because of who we are and the atmosphere we create. I don’t want it to be about making money, it’s about seeing people and getting to know people, I like talking to people and hopefully, that comes across to them.

“I don’t just take their money and go, I stand and have a chat with them and learn about them. It’s more than just food. Already we’re finding that we’ve got people who will come back and it’s always so nice to see them.”  

To check out The Waffle Shack for yourself, head to Beach Street and order yourself something from their new takeaway menu or go here for their website and follow them on social media under @the_waffle_shack_felixstowe.