On Wednesday 31 August, at The Orwell Hotel, we had the pleasure of meeting Doug and Glenys Askew, Captains Paul and Lizette Williams and their daughter, Martha, from the Salvation Army, Felixstowe. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon with people who are passionate about making a positive difference in their community.

In July 2022, the Salvation Army welcomed Captains Paul and Lizette as their new leaders. They have been Salvation Army officers since 2016 and 2017 respectively. They were married in 2015 and their daughter, Martha, was born in 2019.    

New leaders of the Salvation Army, Felixstowe, Captains Paul and Lizette Williams with their daughter, Martha.

Prior to becoming Salvation Army officers, Paul was a member of H M Scots Guards Band and Lizette was an administrator based at the Ilford Corps, working for the Salvation Army in the East End of London. 

Building on the foundations established by Majors David and Katerina’s ministry, Captains Paul and Lizette have a great deal to offer the Felixstowe Corps, and also to the mission of local churches in the community.

The Salvation Army (Cobbold Road, Felixstowe IP11 7EL) offers a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join them for Sunday worship and various activities during the week.

Sunday – Morning Worship and Sunday School, 10.30am: Tea and coffee is served after worship.

The Salvation Army band at the Triangle – Every Sunday from 12.05-12.30pm (weather permitting), the Salvation Army band plays music in the open-air at the Triangle in Felixstowe town centre.

Monday – Parents & Toddlers, 10-11.30am: During term time, parents and carers enjoy a chat whilst the children play together. There are organised activities, drinks and biscuits. 

Wednesday – Friends Together, 1.30pm: This Christian-based meeting is for everyone. Those attending can enjoy guest speakers, outings, and share together in a welcoming environment.

Thursday – Explorers: Singing, games, competitions, prayers, Bible stories, challenges, arts, crafts and more for 5–11-year-olds. For more information, phone Gemma on 07407 540516 or email fxsaexplorers@outlook.com

All week – Community Care Ministries: This is a group of people who help out in the community by visiting people in hospital, retirement homes or prison. They also supply food parcels and/or deliver various items of furniture to those in need of practical help within the town.

Felixstowe International Friends (start date to be confirmed): A conversation group for women who do not have English as their first language. The group is run by volunteers who aim to make the lessons informative and enjoyable in a safe, relaxed and friendly setting where ladies can gain confidence and improve their spoken English and their understanding of the language. The topics and activities covered are planned to meet individual needs and provide opportunities to work one-to-one with a volunteer, as well as encouraging group participation and discussion. For more information, phone the office on 01394 276502. 

Signpost service: Signpost service volunteers could point you in the right direction for services and support, especially those which are locally based. You don’t have to make an appointment, just drop in. The office (Cobbold Road, Felixstowe IP11 7EL) is open from 10am-1pm (closed on Tuesday), where food parcels are available to those who need them. Phone 01394 276502 or email info@felixsa.org.uk for more information.

To find out more about the Salvation Army, Felixstowe, visit: http://www.felixsa.org.uk