Although we are living in very different times, I am pleased to say that our pupils were still able to enjoy numerous Christmas activities in school over the festive period. Our staff worked incredibly hard to make the season as special for our children and families as possible.

As we were unable to hold our Christmas concerts in front of a live audience, we made good use of technology so that our productions could take place virtually. Each year group across both schools put together a performance that parents were able to access.

I am always hugely impressed with the creativity that staff and children show at these times. Each of our year groups approached this differently, producing a variety of performances from bell ringing to signed carols, from poems to the retelling of the nativity story. I am sure that the children enjoyed being able to share the productions with their parents. Above anything else, it certainly helped to generate that ‘Christmassy’ feel!

We were also able to hold our usual Christmas dinner for the children and our younger children received a (virtual) visit from Father Christmas. 

Above all, the Christmas period focussed on the values that we look to show throughout the year, to bring communities together, to look out for each other, particularly those who are more vulnerable. To develop this further, we are also looking to support the local initiative Felixstowe Helping Hands charity over the upcoming months by giving our children an opportunity to write letters to members of the community who are isolated or on their own. We hope that this can build real intergenerational links that help to foster community spirit.

In the meantime, wishing you all a happy, healthy and calmer 2021!

Headteacher Mr Mark Girling