Booking open for specially adapted weekly arts course designed for supported home learning.

A Suffolk arts charity has opened booking for a home-learning arts course for adults with learning disabilities starting this month and themed around Utopia.

The year-long Brave Art courses run by Suffolk Artlink are usually delivered face-to-face in Lowestoft, Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds, but have been specially adapted to be accessed from home over Zoom or by post and telephone to meet with current Government guidelines.

Year 2 is now open for booking, and commences on Monday 21 September. The theme this year is Utopia, and students will be working with artists to explore different art forms, including drawing, model making, painting, poetry, sound art and animation.

Project Officer Charlie Meyer said: “We are delighted to have been able to continue providing our arts course for adults with learning disabilities without a pause since March. We’ve made the most of Zoom, Facebook, telephone and post to keep in touch with our students, and they’ve made some incredible work together!

“As social distancing continues to be necessary to keep our students safe we have adapted our delivery to ensure we continue to provide an inclusive course. For the first time, we have divided Year 2 into two offers to make it as accessible as possible for everyone.”

Through the Brave Art Course, students can join weekly online group warm ups and live creative sessions led by professional artists using Zoom. The Brave Art Club is designed for those that would prefer to be supported offline through phone calls and post. Students can choose which option suits them best.

All students will receive a fun and inspiring activity pack filled with creative activities devised by professional artists. Participants will also receive arts materials and a Brave Art sketchbook. Each year consists of three terms. Term 1 will cost £80 (reduced from the face-to-face cost of £225).

Suffolk Artlink hope to trial face-to-face sessions this term in some locations and it is their wish to return to face-to-face sessions as soon as it is safe.

You can download the full easy-read information leaflet about Brave Art Year 2 and book a place by visiting: or contact Charlie and Fran at: / 07842 531111.

It is recommended that you book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.

Brave Art is made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.