Our hopes of moving to socially distanced outdoor meetings outside have been thwarted by the recent Rule of Six directive, so our meetings will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future. 

Zoom certainly does offer the unique advantage of being able to welcome anyone from anywhere, whatever the weather, so as the nights draw in and it becomes damp and cold, we will still be able to develop our public speaking skills, be entertained and learn from the comfort of home. 

The last tutorial explained the basic construction of a good speech with its introduction, main body and conclusion, all of which have their part to play in putting your message across. Depending on the type of speech, each can be tailored to achieve the best effect.

We also looked at ‘selling yourself’ in the workplace. Have you ever been in a lift with your boss who just happened to ask how the job was progressing? You have an incredibly short time to impress him. We learn how to practise our ‘elevator pitch skills’ to help when you need to speak unexpectedly and have to put over key points in two minutes. 

Please check out our website to find the Zoom meeting details.

Stay safe!

At present, our meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month from 7.30-9pm.

Whatever level of speaking skills and confidence you have, the club aims to help you to develop your skills, with both prepared and off-the-cuff speeches, for entertaining or formal occasions.  Do please join us and see for yourself.

For more information visit: www.felixstowespeakers.org.uk.