We offer a secure environment from Reception through to Year 6 where children are happy to learn. We have a tailored curriculum, wide enrichment programme and Thrive programme.

We pride ourselves on the pastoral care we give to every one of our students, developing and supporting them when they join and throughout their time at our School.

We work closely with our children’s families to form a strong community, so we can ensure every child will enjoy, achieve and thrive throughout their time with us, ensuring they are ready for high school when they leave us at the end of Year 6 and laying the foundation for the skills they will need in life.

Catering for Reception and Years 1 and 2, SET Maidstone is based on a site with a large playground, trike track and grass garden area. Three main play areas with a wide variety of play equipment including our tyre park, dino wall and trim trail.

From Year 3 children move up to SET Causton, which is set in spacious grounds, including a Forest School area, extensively used by children from both sites, a playground and a large field. There is a wide variety of fitness play equipment to suit all year groups, to promote active play.

We are proud of our libraries at both sites, these are used to effectively promote a love of reading in school and enhance the children’s learning.

Thrive rooms are located at both sites and are used daily to support individuals and groups; to engage them in developing their social skills through the use of sensory and nurture activities.

Our website is full of information, including our prospectus, so you can read about our warm and friendly school in detail. You can also find @SETMandC on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates.

If you have any further questions about our school and admissions, please contact:

SET Maidstone Infants School
01394 283375 / maidstoneadmin@maidstoneandcauston.org

SET Causton Junior School
01394 283374 / caustonadmin@maidstoneandcauston.org

Reception admissions applications are via Suffolk County Council and must be made by 15 January 2021.
