
On Saturday 10 October, we set up a table outside the Co-op entrance in Eastern Square to sell our Christmas cards and calendars, as we have done every year.

It was our second outing to Felixstowe town centre within the month. We are very grateful to the people of Felixstowe for their support and to the Co-op for the use of their foyer.

The card and calendar sale raised a grand total of £309.80. We also received kind donations of £121.55 in cash, made to our collection bucket on the day.

We hope that everyone managed to get the cards they wanted as our stocks were sold out quickly. If not, cards and other gifts are still available on the RNLI website

Like most charities, the RNLI has had to make changes to their fundraising this year due to the restrictions posed by Covid-19. As we are in the midst of Lockdown 2, we have had to postpone our planned events due for the rest of this year.

Your support for our branch is greatly appreciated and while it is possible to donate to the RNLI nationally, we have been asked to provide a local online donation facility for our supporters that have been missing walks into town and have been unable to donate to our collection boxes, as they usually do.

We are very pleased to announce that we have set up a local JustGiving page to enable you to make your donations directly to your local Felixstowe Fundraising Branch. The link can be found on our Facebook page and at:

For more information on our current and future news and events please take a look at our Facebook page: RNLI Felixstowe Fundraising Branch.

Thank you for your continued support.