Felixstowe residents have been asked not to gather at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday, but to watch the ceremony live on Facebook. The call has come in a bid to maintain social distancing as the Covid-19 pandemic continues.

This year’s Act of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 8th November, but will only include a limited number of representatives from the clergy, the Suffolk Lieutenancy, the Royal British Legion, and the Town Council.

Due to guidance over public events, Remembrance in Felixstowe will look a little different this year. Following the success of recorded ceremonies held for VJ Day this year, Felixstowe Town Council is once again working with the Felixstowe branch of the Royal British Legion and St. John’s Church to commemorate Remembrance in a way that will enable residents to join online.

Remembrance Day, Sunday 8th November 2020

As a result of the restrictions in place to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, it is not possible to organise a parade as in previous years. The Remembrance service and parade regularly attracts large groups of children and adults across our community wishing to pay their respects, in addition to those representing the Armed Forces and other organisations wishing to attend and lay wreaths. Many of whom are amongst the most vulnerable members of our community. Whilst places of worship remain open for communal services for as many people as can be safely accommodated, it is not possible to hold the usual full civic Remembrance service at St. John’s Church.

Residents wishing to attend church are therefore advised to contact their local church for information on services. A small civic party will lay wreaths as part of the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11am. Formal wreath laying by others will follow in allotted time slots to enable this to take place in accordance with social distancing rules.

Members of the public are encouraged to follow the service, which will be live-streamed and available thereafter, on the Royal British Legion – Felixstowe Branch Facebook page and a digital service sheet will accompany the commemoration. See the Facebook page here for details: www.facebook.com/FelixstoweRBL.

The British Legion also want the nation to come together to observe the two-minute silence from outside their homes at 11am on November 8.

The Royal British Legion says: “Despite the changes this year, we are encouraging people across the nations to ensure Remembrance Sunday is still marked appropriately by taking part in remote and socially distanced Remembrance activity, whether that be watching the service on television or pausing for the two-minute silence in their home or on their doorsteps.”

Armistice Day, Wednesday 11th November 2020

The two-minute silence will be observed at Felixstowe War Memorial by a small civic party at 11am on 11th November to mark the end of the First World War. Members of the public are encouraged to join us in spirit during this contemplative moment, whether on their doorstep at home or wherever they may be at that time.

Poppy Appeal

With some people unable to leave their homes as they normally would to find a poppy, and with many of the charity’s collectors unable to carry out face to face collections, the British Legion has unveiled a range of new ways for people to show their support remotely.

From donating for poppies through the post for your neighbours and local community, displaying a poppy in your window, donating online or undertaking a virtual Poppy run, there are many ways to support the Poppy Appeal from home in line with Covid-19 restrictions. Please visit the British Legion website here to find out how you can support the Poppy Appeal this year: britishlegion.org.uk/get-involved/poppy-appeal.