I am writing this with only 7 weeks of the academic year left – time continues to fly past, especially in schools where there are some many exciting learning opportunities taking place!  

It is the time of year that we look to support our children with preparing for September and the next stages of their school lives.  For some that will be moving up to a new class within our schools and getting used to the new adults they are going to work with every day.  For others, that means starting at a new school, and for some joining our Nursery and Reception classes, it will mean starting school for the very first time.  Change is an inevitable part of life and it is important that we help children through these changes in as supportive and as sensitive a way as possible.  It is ok to feel nervous, but they will very soon settle into their new routines.  

Our house captains, alongside all our Year 6 children at Colneis take on an important role in being those positive role-models to younger children joining our school.  Acting as mentors also teaches children vital life skills that they will take on into the future.

Mr Mark Girling
