Felixstowe Chamber of Trade and Commerce, along with a dozen local charities and not-for-profit organisations, is looking to repurpose a vacant retail unit in Felixstowe town centre as a multifunctional workspace. The Hub, as it is provisionally called, will provide an access point for a wide range of information, advice and guidance for local businesses and residents.

Speaking at the Chamber’s AGM, held via Zoom at the end of March, Simon Charlesworth, the East Suffolk Council Economic Development Officer coordinating the project, said: “Professional advisers will be on hand to provide business owners with the support they need to start up, restart and grow their business.”

Mr Charlesworth explained: “Residents and businesses will be able to seek advice at The Hub on a wide range of topics, including employment, housing and financial matters. Short courses, workshops and individual tuition for individuals and businesses are also on the agenda.”

The planned 12-month pilot project was conceived in response to the combined effect of a growing demand for face-to-face support and a lack of town centre desk and meeting space that is both accessible and able to accommodate social distancing measures.

“Like many other sectors, charitable and not-for-profit organisations have had to adapt to Covid-19 restrictions and provide their services remotely, foregoing face-to-face meetings.

“As the economy reopens and social distancing measures are relaxed, The Hub is needed to provide a flexible workspace where individuals can be welcomed and helped to access services they need in a comfortable and supportive environment,” said Simon.

“It is expected to open its doors towards the end of May and will provide participating organisations with flexible workspace requirements according to demand. They will be able to log in to book a desk or meeting room as and when required.”

For further information visit the Felixstowe Chamber of Trade and Commerce website: www.felixstowechamber.co.uk