PE and sport is a hugely important part of our curriculum and extra-curricular offer at Fairfield and Colneis. Not only do we work hard to ensure that children have access to high quality PE lessons during the week, we also feel it is vital to provide them with opportunities to play and compete against other schools. We send teams to a wide range of sporting events across Suffolk and are very proud of the way that the children represent our federation. Not only do these events give our children a chance to represent our schools, they also help to give them experiences of working together as a team and how to deal with the highs and lows of winning and losing.

Federation of Fairfield and Colneis
Cross country, dodgeball and girl’s football teams at Fairfield and Colneis. Image source: The Federation of Fairfield and Colneis.

We are also delighted to share in any successes our teams have. Our dodgeball team finished runners-up at a recent tournament and our girls football team were hugely successful in getting through to the county finals, where they also finished runners-up. We also send teams to events as varied as swimming galas, cross country races and panathlon challenges, which are competitive sports events for SEN and children with disabilities.

Headteacher, Mr Mark Girling