The sea around Felixstowe is served by RNLI lifeboats based just across the water in Harwich. This year has been exceptional with the number of launches made by our crews. Harwich has had its busiest August for call outs in the last five years.

The RNLI rely on public donations to keep their fleet running. Your local Felixstowe Fundraising Branch has continued to raise vital funds, as far as possible, under the current restrictions.

One of these successful events has been Betty’s Pots. We are very grateful to Ruby’s Kitchen and The Wool Baa as they have continued to hold collections for us throughout the lockdown. Both venues now have empty pots to give back out. The refillable pots are also available from Felixstowe Library and Goslings Farm Shop.

Our thanks also go to the Orwell Hotel, Fludyers Hotel and Marks & Spencer Cafe for saving the empty jam pots to allow us to continue the collections.

We are now planning a number of public events over the coming autumn and winter. These include a Flag Day in Hamilton Road on Saturday 3 October and a Christmas Card Sale in Great Eastern Square near the entrance to the Co-Op during the morning on Saturday 10 October.

All our public events will only go ahead if it is safe to do so and will take into account all of the current Covid-19 guidance. As this can change at short notice, we have created a Facebook page to keep you all up to date.

Please look out for the current details on our events and other news articles on Facebook. Look for RNLI Felixstowe Fundraising Branch.