Eighteen new ‘hi-tech’ bin sensors have been installed in trial locations across East Suffolk, as part of East Suffolk Council’s innovative ways of delivering services more efficiently whilst keeping the district as clean and tidy as possible.

The sensors monitor the bin fill levels and will send an alert once a pre-set level has been reached. This not only enables the Council to know when a bin needs to be emptied, but it also supports its environmental commitment as it reduces wasted trips to check on bins that do not need to be emptied.

Cllr James Mallinder, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “East Suffolk Council is committed to keeping our environment litter-free and this is just another example of our efforts to make East Suffolk a better and more beautiful place to live, work and visit.

“These bin sensors enable our teams to make better decisions on when a bin needs to be emptied, meaning they can reduce unnecessary journeys that have a negative impact on our environment, and improve collection efficiency.”

However, he warned that there is no excuse for leaving waste behind.

“If a public bin is already full, please do the right thing”, he said. “Either dispose of it in a nearby bin or take it home with you and dispose of in your household bin. Small actions make a big difference, and we must all continue to do our bits to help keep East Suffolk beautiful.”

The trial is part of a county-wide project called Smarter Suffolk led by Suffolk County Council in partnership with the University of Suffolk, in which sensors are being fitted in different environmental conditions in urban, rural and coastal locations across Suffolk to test their effectiveness. 

It is hoped that data from these sensors could revolutionise the way services are delivered by local authorised and if successful, bin sensors could be fitted across East Suffolk in locations where regular collections are not always required, or indeed where more frequent collections are needed to minimise side waste. 

To find out more about the Smarter Suffolk Project, go to  www.suffolk.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/council-news/show/successful-4-4m-adaptive-street-lighting-project-celebrates-first-year