Emmaus Suffolk has launched a brand-new Wellbeing Hub in the heart of Felixstowe. The organisation supports people who are experiencing social isolation, loneliness and long-term unemployment, as well as those who are at risk of homelessness. 

Emmaus Suffolk welcomes local people around Ipswich and Felixstowe to weekly hubs, where they can get involved in creative projects, gardening, cooking, or just simply hang out in a safe and friendly space. 

The latest Wellbeing Hub is hosted from Station Café in Great Eastern Square in Felixstowe, every Wednesday from 1.30-3.30pm, and aims to help tackle loneliness in the area. This latest hub will be an addition to regular hubs hosted at Old Felixstowe Community Centre. 

Station Café in Great Eastern Square, Felixstowe.

Emma, Community Manager at Emmaus Suffolk, spoke ahead of the launch: “Following on from the success of our hub at Old Felixstowe Community Centre, we wanted to branch out to a wider audience and this town centre location is the perfect opportunity! Our hubs give people a reason to get up and out of the house when they’re really struggling, which is so important.”

This free-to-attend hub will give people the chance to make connections and friends, as well as explore new skills and hobbies. Since the hubs were launched, Emmaus Suffolk has seen a big sense of community grow among attendees and volunteers.

Helen who is a regular visitor to the weekly Drop-in Hub at Old Felixstowe Community Centre, says: “I’ve noticed such a difference in myself since I’ve been coming. I’m a lot more confident now and I love getting the time to do art!” 

Alongside creative activities, the organisation now holds free yoga sessions open to hub attendees and volunteers on the last Wednesday of every month. These sessions will give attendees a chance to relax and unwind from the stresses of daily life and focus on their wellbeing.  

Find out more about all of Emmaus Suffolk’s hubs on their website: https://emmaus.org.uk/suffolk and follow them on Facebook: facebook.com/Emmaussuffolk