Music in Felixstowe has put on a variety of professional online concerts every week since March 2020 to bring some light in these dark times. We also put on some live concerts when the first lockdown ended, mostly outdoors, notably on the Millennium Green at Felixstowe Ferry and the bandstand in Elmhurst Park in Woodbridge. They were also streamed online. We have also played for care homes in Felixstowe.

Since none of this is possible when it’s cold outside, we contacted care homes to suggest they play some of our online performances to their residents.

Unfortunately, because of the latest lockdown we were unable to put on our live New Year’s Day concert but having pre-recorded it just in case, it is available online.

Weekly online concerts since then have included a Scottish bagpiper for Burns Night, a string quartet, a flute duo with the amazing Anna Noakes, well-known reggae singer Irie J, pianist Paul Turner, bass player Lewis Braham, the young up-and-coming rock band Jora and the Fortuneteller, a singalong with the Von Bennetts and, towards the end of March, a compilation of all the best bits.

We intend to resume live concerts as soon as possible, starting with a concert by our festival orchestra, Light at the End of the Tunnel, and other concerts which had to be cancelled last year.

All concerts so far can be seen for free on the Music in Felixstowe Facebook page and on our website.

The concerts are advertised to our mailing list. If you would like to join the list, either for hand delivery or by email, please let us know at Marsh Cottage, Felixstowe Ferry IP11 9RZ or

Donations are welcome too and we have launched an appeal at:

We have also received a grant from Felixstowe Town Council. Musicians are suffering so badly just now as all their work has dried up. We are trying to help in a small way.

Hattie Bennett