With its charitable status now approved, the Landguard Trust is in the process of taking over much of the management of the Landguard Peninsula in Felixstowe.

It replaces the Partnership that has been carrying out a similar role since 2008. The Trust is working with stakeholders to take Landguard forward in the next stages of its evolution, improving facilities for the local community and visitors, whilst safeguarding the nationally important historical site and habitat that is found on this unique piece of land at the southern-most point of Suffolk. 

With its Grade I listed Fort, local history museum, nature reserve, and the adjacent Port of Felixstowe and Harwich Haven, the Trust has three main themes which naturally focus on Landguard’s heritage, nature and maritime elements. Conservation and learning are key objectives for the Trust as well as continuing Landguard’s development as a visitor destination and community volunteering hub. 

David Gledhill, Landguard Trust Chair said: “This is an exciting time for Landguard. The Trust will have a greater focus and flexibility to take Landguard forward. It has the support of all the main stakeholders including East Suffolk Council, English Heritage and the existing volunteer groups that have been doing so much great work over the years. As a charity, the Trust is much better placed to apply for funding grants to deliver the improvements and enhancements which will ensure Landguard can thrive for years to come.”

For more information, please contact Paul Grant, Landguard Project Officer: 01394 444458 / paul.grant@eastsuffolk.gov.uk or David Gledhill, Landguard Trust Chair: davidgledhill@landguardtrust.org.uk

Visit www.discoverlandguard.org.uk