Extreme lockdown certainly brought a new way of life and our daily walk in the fresh air became a real treat. We spent time discovering open spaces, listening to birdsong and spotting wildflowers and trees. It was the reaction to nature which inspired local author Debbie Bartlett to write her recently published second children’s book, Just One World – Nature’s Lockdown Lessons.

Debbie who lives in Felixstowe organises Litter-Free Felixstowe and has a clear passion for protecting wildlife on land and sea. Just One World is aimed at primary school aged children but there really is a message for everyone. Nature flourished when humans were stuck inside during Lockdown and we now need to learn to share the world. The increasing number of bees, butterflies and birds is apparent, and Debbie wanted to remind children of the positive changes to the environment when people changed their ways. The aim is to encourage everyone appreciate wildlife and take better care of the planet.

The book has a simple, rhyming style with lovely illustrations by Rachel Wallis. It follows the highly successful earlier book Just One Child which empowered children to take action to reduce single-use plastics and engage in litter-picking. The first book, featuring many recognisable local landmarks, has sold literally around the world from Australia to Spain and Canada to India.

One of the rewards for the book has been the excellent reviews and feedback from parents and teachers alike but Debbie is particularly proud to treasure two handwritten notes from David Attenborough himself. Debbie points out that Just One World contains a clear reference to a David Attenborough quote when he said, “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book”.

Before lockdown, Debbie was being asked to visit local schools to spread the environmental message but obviously closure due to Covid-19 has restricted direct contact with classes. Further books are planned, and it is hoped that the next generation can be inspired to take positive steps from an early age.