InTouch and Spotlight have been serving you with your local community news for over 25 years. Here at Mansion House Publishing, we are proud to produce 19 magazines every month – each especially tailored to your local area.

We believe that providing you with your local community news is crucial, as it keeps you engaged and connected to what is happening in your community. Holding onto community is something that now feels more crucial than ever, in these trying times, togetherness and connection (even if socially distant) is important to our well-being for a number of reasons. Sharing a sense of place with those who are physically closest to us, supporting and being supported by our local community, using our spending power to sustain the local economy… we really are stronger together.

We operate on a simple premise here at Mansion House Publishing: supported by income from advertising, we produce, print and deliver 70,000+ magazines every month. However, it is the principle by which we operate which has sustained us in recent months and enabled us to carry on doing what we do in a challenging marketplace – even if it has meant adapting.

Our business is built on and around ‘community’. We work with each community to publish relevant content which reflects and celebrates what’s happening locally and we’ve always encouraged readers to support the local economy. At a time when local news and a supportive mechanism to sustain local businesses has never been needed more, we put our shoulders to the wheel and got on with the task.

It has been inspiring to watch the world transform, from zoom meetings to supporting thy neighbors. We are proud to play a small but significant part in providing you with the news and stories you need and want to hear. That said we are always seeking more good or important news to share. We would love for you to share the stories from your area, however big or small it may be. We want to hear about your community champions! We also welcome photographs to be considered for the front page of the magazine, and we would love to see the best of your lockdown snaps!

Of course we’ve had to adapt too, and it’s been an extremely positive experience, as well as a massive learning curve. We decided to stand down our delivery teams for two months but we published online instead. We’ve always done so but it’s not something we’ve promoted heavily. It is now and addition to digital editions of all our publication, visitors can access new pages and our new local business digital directory.

With the current events, our social media accounts – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – are also flourishing and have never been so busy. For example, even those of us who haven’t used Facebook very effectively in the past, have come to appreciate its value both in terms of sharing information and interacting with others. The ability to interact, to engage with and share content which we know others will appreciate, and to do so quickly from just about anywhere, is incredibly liberating for users and provides a vital connection for just about everyone. Social media is a great extension to our magazine, and allows us to engage directly with our readers, advertisers and the communities we focus on.

The recent circumstances have also meant we have noticed that the number of people reading the online editions has been increasing steadily. This is a huge positive for us to see, and it’s particularly pleasing to see how long our readers spend reading the magazines, as it suggests we’ve managed to get the right mix of content.

We look forward to being able to print and deliver once again in July, and our sales teams are working with advertisers to devise print and digital re-launch campaigns which will revitalise the marketplace and secure the future of the many local businesses which we have come to rely on. We would love to promote your local businesses, so if you know of any who may be interested please let us know.

To get in touch with your stories or photographs please email

For advertising enquires and to promote your business, please email