“Low Impact Living in Suffolk” is a new campaign making it easier for Suffolk residents to understand how to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and lower their energy use.

Our homes are responsible for generating 20% of all UK carbon emissions, primarily through the heating and energy they use. There are many ways to reduce these emissions, with Low Impact Living in Suffolk sharing steps through the www.greensuffolk.org website. 

Information is available to demystify the products, technology and grants that help reduce the impact of our homes on the environment and save money on increasing energy bills.

Residents can find out their carbon footprint, look for green energy tariffs and compare new, more sustainable heating systems including ground and air source heat pumps, biomass boilers, heat recovery, hydro and wind electricity.

Detailed information on solar panels, including buying schemes, water heating and electricity sits alongside up to date advice on recycling. Options for improving or replacing windows across properties that vary in age, materials, location, and style are also available. 

Councillor Andy Drummond, Chair of the Suffolk Environment Cabinet Members group, said:

“We all have a responsibility to slow the rate of climate change, and our homes make a significant contribution to this. I know that many Suffolk homeowners are keen to do what they can to reduce their carbon emissions and their energy bills. 

“But knowing where to start can be difficult, with so much information out there. By launching Low Impact Living in Suffolk, we want to simplify this process and help homeowners by guiding them through the changes they can make to their homes more sustainable.

“If you visit Suffolk’s Creating The Greenest County website www.greensuffolk.org you will find up-to-date information on reducing your carbon footprint at home. All the information is in one place, and applies to a range of homes and budgets, to help plan your own Net Zero journey more easily.”

Low Impact Living in Suffolk is part of Suffolk’s commitment to be a Net Zero county by 2030, which is being delivered through the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan. All Suffolk’s local authorities have declared a climate emergency and are working together to meet this ambition.

For more details on how you can plan your journey to Net Zero at home, visit www.greensuffolk.org