Due to coronavirus, the Hearing Advisory Service has had to change the way it provides services to people who are hard of hearing throughout Suffolk.

During lockdown we have continued to provide batteries, tubes and domes by post, which has proved extremely successful and popular with our patients. For a while hearing aids also had to be serviced by post, and though this meant that patients were without their aids for a few days, we have received very positive feedback on the efficiency and speed of the service.

For now we have to continue dispensing batteries, tubes and domes by post. However, we are also now able to complement this service with drive through clinics and drop box services for hearing aid repairs, meaning that we can service and return aids faster.

Drive through hearing aid services are now available in Ipswich, Felixstowe and Bury St Edmunds. In co-operation with GP practices, we have also introduced a drop box system at Woodbridge, Saxmundham and Hadleigh, enabling aids to be serviced on the same day. To book an appointment for these services, please telephone 01473 286060.

We have continued to discover innovative ways to deliver the lip-reading programme and can now offer classes via Zoom. Our autumn term starts mid-October. We successfully trialled a lip-reading Zoom programme earlier in the year and found that students grew in confidence when using Zoom and classes have worked well. If you are new to Zoom and to lip-reading, we are able to provide you with a free introduction to help gain confidence.

For further information or to enrol for classes, contact us at: 01473 286060 / suffolkinfo@hhas.org.uk.