East Suffolk residents are invited to have their say on a new planning document which seeks to protect and enhance the district’s historic environment.

East Suffolk Council is seeking the public’s view on a new Historic Environment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) with an eight-week consultation that started on Monday 7 December.

East Suffolk has an historic environment which is widely recognised as being of very high quality and importance, with approximate 4,000 listed buildings and 52 conservation areas. Its local character and distinctiveness are derived from the diversity of architecture, landscape and coastal settings, which have given rise to an architectural typology of farmhouses, picturesque cottages and churches as well as resort tourism, military research and defense, fishing and agri-industry, park and garden structures, energy and landed estates.

Buildings and structures that typify the East Suffolk area range from 16th century moot halls, a wide representation of 16th and 17th century farmhouses, the grandest Georgian country house in Suffolk, designed 18th and 19th century landscapes and 19th and 20th century military airfields, towers and pagodas.

The SPD will provide guidance on the implementation of planning policy related to the historic environment, for those who are either planning new developments or making changes, alterations or repairs to an existing property.

When adopted, it will replace a number of existing guidance documents, seeking to facilitate change that protects and enhances the historic environment and support existing planning policies when determining planning applications.

It will provide comprehensive guidance on a range of topics including conservation areas, listed buildings and non-designated heritage assets and sustainable construction and renewable energy. Guidance is provided about making changes and alterations to historic buildings, including extensions and alterations to a historic building, development within the setting of a historic building and replacing windows and porches.

The SPD also addresses how maintenance and repair can be undertaken in a way that protects the historic significance of a building, including repairs to different materials, such as brick, timber, thatch, wattle and daub and tiles. It also includes guidance and information about shopfronts and historic gardens, which form part of the varied heritage of East Suffolk.

Cllr David Ritchie, Cabinet Member for Planning and Coastal Management, said:

“In East Suffolk we are fortunate to have a rich historic environment which includes a wide range of different buildings, structures and landscapes. The Historic Environment Supplement Planning Document will help us protect and enhance this environment by providing guidance and complementing the Council’s existing planning policies. I would encourage anyone with an interest in East Suffolk’s historic environment to get involved and have their say in this consultation.”

View and comment on the draft SPD at www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/planning-policy-consultations. Alternatively, comments can also be sent to us via email on planningpolicy@eastsuffolk.gov.uk or by post to Planning Policy and Delivery Team, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0EQ.

If you’re unable to view the SPD online, you can request a paper copy free of charge by emailing planningpolicy@eastsuffolk.gov.uk or calling 01394 444557. Please note that if you wish to contact us via telephone, we are currently operating under a voicemail service. Please leave a message including your contact details and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

The consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 1 February 2021.