Well, I think most people will agree, we want to put 2020 firmly behind us and look forward to a Covid-free year in 2021!

Here at the golf club, we also have an amazing year to look forward to when we start to build our new clubhouse which has been two years in the planning. It is an innovative design and has been landscape led throughout to blend in with our beautiful location. We will also build five luxury houses. The houses are contemporary and unique and will have outstanding views across the golf course, coastline and historical landmarks.

As we all know, the community really pulled together during 2020 and it has been heart-warming to hear so many stories of people and organisations helping others out in difficult times. This community spirit also inspired us and we continued our food delivery service throughout. On Christmas Day we will deliver Christmas lunch with all the trimmings to more than 120 people.

We are looking forward to inviting our community to our new facilities, be it as a member to play golf on our amazing Martello course, a pay and play visitor on our marvellous nine-hole course, a customer in our new café, a participant on our new public putting green or sightseeing from our new public viewing platform. Whatever the reason, when you come to Felixstowe Ferry Golf Club you will be assured of a very warm welcome.

Let’s try our hardest to forget the past year and all its difficulties and look forward to a better future for our community. 

Happy New Year to you all.