Due to lockdown restrictions, the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum held its AGM on 20 November via Zoom. Stephen Wyatt presented a report on the year’s activities. He said:

“We were lucky to get our activities in during Fairtrade Fortnight in late February and early March before the first lockdown began. The highlight was the Family Fun Day at the library on 29 February. It was well attended, and children and families enjoyed a range of activities as well as refreshments. The chocolate fountain was a big hit. We also started distributing Fairtrade footballs to local primary schools at Fairtrade assemblies – although we had to suspend this because of the pandemic.

“Since the beginning of March, like most local organisations, our activities have been severely curtailed. However, Felixstowe other Fairtrade towns in Suffolk did participate in a live link-up with our contact in Kenya, Patrick Kaberia. Patrick is a Fairtrade farmer and he explained how the pandemic was affecting tea producers there. He emphasised how continuing support for Fairtrade is crucial right now.”

The meeting also heard about plans for Fairtrade Fortnight 2021, starting on 22 February. A competition is being planned with a local retailer and there will be a live link-up between local schools and Patrick in Kenya. One of the key schools selecting pupils to put questions to Patrick is Trimley St Mary Primary and it is hoped other local schools will also log in to the session.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Buying Fairtrade products ensures that producers receive a fair price for their goods. For more information visit:
