Felixstowe Book Festival is now looking forward to 2021 after the challenges and successes of 2020.

Inspired by the success of our 2020 online festival in which authors found themselves being watched by literally thousands of people across the world we are planning a joint ‘in real life’ and online festival for 2021.

We have booked our Orwell Hotel venue for 26 and 27 June and will be operating with social distancing and Covid-secure procedures so there will be smaller audiences present. However, we will also be offering a separate full programme of live-streamed events over the weekend to allow people worldwide to join in as well. 

We are excited that both our festival patrons, Esther Freud and Terry Waite, as well as Jojo Moyes, Elly Griffiths, Carol Drinkwater, Nicola Upson and Mandy Morton have already agreed to appear in the live festival. More exciting names to follow.
