Whilst attention has rightly been focused on Covid-19, it is increasingly evident that much of our regular healthcare provision has fallen behind or become less accessible including, sadly, cancer screening. Although Prostate Cancer (PCa) is by far the commonest male cancer in the UK, causing over 50,000 new cases and over 12,000 deaths every year, there is no organised NHS screening programme and men have been much more reluctant to request a screening PSA blood test from their GP practice.  As a PCa screening charity, this year CHAPS has only been able to screen half the number of men we screened last year. However, it’s not all bad news and here are the positives!

The charity has co-ordinated a major report to the UK National Screening Committee from CHAPS, the National Federation of Prostate Cancer Support Groups and the men’s cancer charity ORCHID advocating a national screening programme for PCa.

CHAPS has now gone digital with all events, data collection and PSA results service being provided online.

Covid-19 compliant screen has already commenced in Suffolk with successful events in Felixstowe and Mildenhall and another in Felixstowe on January 9. CHAPS has also joined forces with the East Suffolk Prostate Cancer Support Group and will hold a PCa Screening Event at Ipswich Town Football Club on Thursday 11 February. All appointments must be pre-booked; you’ll find all the details at: http://events.chaps.uk.com/

There is more and more evidence showing the value of PCa screening so don’t miss the opportunity. Come and see us for a simple PSA blood test – it really could save your life!
