Destitution is poverty so extreme that you lack the means to provide for yourself.

Is that you or do you know someone in that situation? Sadly, many people today are experiencing destitution and this is the experience of one third of CAP clients when in debt and financial difficulty.

Before approaching CAP, the percentage of clients who could not to pay for their provisions was as follows: 89% meals; 80% heating; 61% clothing; 37%lighting; 34% toiletries; 9% shelter.

For 24 years Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has helped a total of over 20,000 people across the UK get out of debt, turn their lives around and live debt free. Many of these have been destitute for a variety of reasons before they turned to CAP.

For the last two years we have been operating the CAP debt counselling service in Felixstowe. CAP is unique in the service it offers. Not only do we visit clients in their own home, but we offer one-to-one support for the whole period that the client is in debt.

All visits are conducted by our trained CAP debt coach accompanied by a ‘befriender’ who is able to support the client through their journey to become debt free.

Usually our debt counselling starts with three visits:

  • On the first visit we introduce the service and explain who CAP are and how we operate.
  • On the second visit we collect all the information needed to enable the qualified debt advisors in Bradford (CAP head office) to prepare an affordable budget the client can live on and suggest the right path for getting out of debt. Every client’s circumstances are different, so the debt advisers work hard to suggest the right option(s) for that particular client.
  • On the third visit we go through CAP’s suggested budget together with the options to get out of debt. The client is then totally free to choose whether or not to work with CAP on their preferred option.

Do you need CAP’s help or know someone who does?

The CAP service is totally free; just call 0800 328 0008 to arrange that first appointment and step out on the path to becoming debt free.