Steph Stanhope is counting down the days to her cycling challenge. On 15 October she plans to ride 100 miles to complete her first century. Steph says: “Before training for this challenge, I had not ridden a bicycle for over 15 years, so it’s definitely a challenge!” 

Steph set herself the challenge to raise money for and awareness of her Intergenerational Connections Project. The project is part of her community interest company, Creating Caring Connections, that promotes wellbeing through connection. The Intergenerational Connections Project brings together older and younger generations within Suffolk to increase wellbeing and reduce loneliness. 

Steph says: “There are so many benefits of bringing generations together for all involved. It shows the older and younger people that they can make a meaningful difference to each other and their community, it values everyone regardless of age or ability. 

“We have recently launched a year-long project of weekly contact between a Felixstowe-based care home and primary school and want to develop our parent/carer and child meet-ups. We want to break down social barriers and help to change the negative perceptions of ageing and care homes. We intend to do this by showing that care homes can be a valuable resource within our communities – a welcoming and sociable space where, together, we can learn about each other, from each other.” 

To find out more about the project and ways to donate visit the website: or the Just Giving page: