Spotlight Magazine has a quick word from Mark Jepson, the current mayor of Felixtsowe:

I must begin this month’s article with a tribute to the late Cyril Webb. Cyril was a well-known character to many in the town, having run one of Felixstowe’s best-loved independent stores, J&C Webb, with his wife Jean for over 35 years.

Cyril was an active town and district councillor for many years, which included becoming the Mayor of Felixstowe on three occasions (1981, 1994 and 2005). He chaired town and district council committees as well as being chairman of Suffolk Coastal District Council (now East Suffolk Council).

Cyril thoroughly enjoyed developing relationships with our German twin towns of Wesel and Salzwedel and was instrumental in establishing the Felixstowe Salzwedel Association with Councillor Mike Deacon in 1994. Current town councillors from all the political parties remember Cyril with respect and fondness.

Cyril was also highly regarded by the staff at the town council, some of whom were interviewed by him. Even after he left local politics, Cyril always found time to chat with former colleagues, which I know they really appreciated.

It was an honour to be invited to represent the town council at Cyril’s funeral and our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

Although we hope to be emerging from the national restrictions soon, it is a shame that many organisations felt it would not be sensible to host their annual events.

Both the Carnival Association and the Historic Vehicle Rally felt that there was too much uncertainty and, knowing the amount of preparation and cost that goes into making these events successful, it was probably the right decision.

The Civic Awards

The town council has decided to postpone the Civic Awards until later in the year and has also changed the format of the Felixstowe in Flower Awards for 2021. Although we are very keen to run these awards and events, we want to be able to recognise our local heroes and award winners properly at the appropriate time.

I was delighted to read that the Grove Surgery received recognition for its outstanding service to the community during the pandemic from the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk. The whole team have delivered a fantastic service and this recognition is thoroughly deserved.

They have been supported outstandingly by the Haven Health team who
have concentrated on the care homes. Again, I thank all the NHS staff operating in Felixstowe. I recently conducted an interview with Dr Stephen Feltwell and Dr Paul Driscoll which has been posted on the town council and Visit Felixstowe’s Facebook pages.

During the interview, the doctors stressed the importance of contacting the surgeries without delay if you have concerns about any symptoms. They have introduced a range of ways to assess and diagnose symptoms and wanted to assure you that if you need an appointment, surgeries
are very safe places to visit. If in doubt, please call them.

Finally, a reminder that the Felixstowe Peninsular Community Partnership’s small grants fund is keen to hear from local organisations operating in Felixstowe, Walton, the Trimleys, Kirton, Bucklesham, Levington, and Nacton. The criteria can be found on the East Suffolk website. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact me at or Chloe Lee at

As always, thank you for continuing to abide by the restrictions. Like you, I am looking forward to meeting up with friends but, in the meantime, want to make sure we remain safe and healthy.

Mayor of Felixstowe, Mark Jepson