Dave (‘Sooper Cooper’ aged 76), and Robin Howlett (66), both Christachums, from Ipswich – have just raised almost £2,000 for Alzheimer’s Research UK. 

The intrepid (if rather elderly) pair, set out from East Ipswich on the morning of Monday 4 September, to finish at Felixstowe Pier.   

It was a warm day!

It took them longer than they thought – (via the lovely Suffolk Showground – posting pictures to let their supporters know the score); but neither were in any hurry – taking their time for a well-earned rest ‘halfway’ at their Pit stop.  A lovely, healthy eating/superb home-made food, cafe – ‘Goslings Farm’ Garden Cafe, by Trimley St Martin. They were very kind to them, and staff & customers gave lots of money to Alzheimer’s Research UK…..

On they trudged – encouraging one another/pleasantly goading one another, with their rhythmic heart-rending chant of ‘Left, right, left. Left…left.’, drifting on the early night haze.

Finally, Trimley was left behind, then Walton. The official collecting bucket was getting heavier, as they turned south towards the sea, and their absolute element.

The mighty, imternational anes appeared – YES!, they turned south for the PIER….truly a ‘magical’ moment, and time to reflect on whom had nature implanted her foot sores the most!? Then, the sheer unadulterated, excitement of hearing ‘Mrs’ Felixstowe (ex-Councillor/5x Mayor) – Mrs* Doreen Savage, call out – ‘Over here Dave! 

And there she was!, resplendent as ever. Medals were festooned around their necks with ARUK’s latest snappy slogan – ‘FOR A CURE’.

Then, an offer neither of us could refuse! A ride – (twice round), on Felixstowe’s new wheel! 


  • A very friendly taxi lady * gave us a lift home. 
  • The bliss of a nice warm bath – with ‘sizzling’ feet, but joyful hearts.
  • We certainly both felt we had achieved something good.

Dave Cooper & Robin Howlett